
[12/25/23] Replicable framework for long-read quantification methods, preprint is out on bioRxiv.

[12/25/23] mehenDi preprint is out on bioRxiv.

[12/07/23] Advanced to PhD candidacy.

[08/03/23] Presented mehenDi - Tree-based differential testing using inferential replicate counts for RNASeq at BioC,Boston.

[06/05/23] Started internship at Genentech, South San Francisco.

[06/01/23] Awarded the scholarship to attend BioC,2023.

[04/15/23] TreeTerminus - Creating transcript trees using inferential replicate counts won the best paper/presentation award at RECOMB-SEQ, Istanbul, Turkey.

[03/01/23] TreeTerminus - Creating transcript trees using inferential replicate counts got accepted at RECOMB-SEQ.

[11/09/22 - 11/12/22] Presented posters on tree-based methods for RNA-Seq data analysis at Biological Data Science Meeting, 2022 at Cold Spring Harbor.

[11/06/22] TreeTerminus preprint is out on bioRxiv.