
I am a PhD Student at the Department of Computer Science at the University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). At UMD, I am part of CBCB and work with Dr. Rob Patro who leads the COMBINE-Lab. I also collaborate with Love Lab at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. My research interests lie in application and development of algorithms, statistical and machine learning methods for analysing different high-throughput genomics data. I am also passionate about using data for precision and translational medicine.

Before joining the COMBINE-Lab, I worked with Dr Héctor Corrada Bravo on using transcriptome segments as the main inferential unit for analysis and using them for alternative splicing analysis and clustering on full-length single cell sequencing datasets.

I completed my undergraduate studies along with a MS by Research degree under the guidance of Dr. Vinod PK at IIIT-Hyderabad in India, where I studied the changes in the expression patterns between different stages of papillary renal cell carcinoma using RNA-Seq and DNA methylation data. I also examined the relationship between these two modalities and developed integrative machine learning models to predict the stage of cancer.

  • Computational Biology
  • Machine Learning
  • Statistical Learning
  • PhD in Computer Science, 2019-Present

    UMD - College Park

  • MS in Computer Science, 2019-2021

    UMD - College Park

  • MS by Research in Computational Natural Science, 2017-2019

    IIIT - Hyderabad

  • BTech in Computer Science with Honours, 2013-2017

    IIIT - Hyderabad

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[12/25,23] mehenDi preprint is out on bioRxiv.

[12/07,23] Advanced to PhD candidacy.

[08/03,23] Presented mehenDi - Tree-based differential testing using inferential replicate counts for RNASeq at BioC,Boston.

[06/05/23] Started internship at Genentech, South San Francisco.

[06/01/23] Awarded the scholarship to attend BioC,2023.

[04/15/23] TreeTerminus - Creating transcript trees using inferential replicate counts won the best paper/presentation award at RECOMB-SEQ, Istanbul, Turkey.


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(2022). TreeTerminus - Creating transcript trees using inferential replicate counts. bioRxiv.



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  • Brendan Iribe Center for Computer Science and Engineering, 8125 Paint Branch Drive, College Park, MD 20740